
  1. What does it mean to start over again?

    2019-08-25 03:56:06 UTC
    I’ll always cherish photos like these, the ones that show where we were  when we were chasing dreams.  These photos bring me back to a time I won’t ever get back.  I wrote this on my Tumblr just now as I looked back on photos Mel and I created in…

  2. When summer begins to fall

    2019-08-12 00:35:00 UTC
    You start to notice the sky and the way the sunset hits the buildings, the way the air feels just a little bit different. It’s the notice of a subtle shift, a change in the atmosphere. A reminder that the days are getting shorter and the weather is cooling. I…

  3. DEPOP & Shopping with JVMP

    2019-08-09 17:56:29 UTC
    What is this space? I ask myself that a lot too. What started as a platform for my work after I was let go from one of my jobs working as a social media manager and writer for a magazine has transformed over the years to take on quite a…

  4. ONE INSTANT Announcement & the Fate of Pack Film

    2019-08-05 17:41:26 UTC
    When a film is discontinued, the atmosphere around its departure is chaotic. Film users take inventory of their stock, rush to the web to order it in bulk followed by a lot of prayers. There are some people in this community who have dedicated their resources and time to finding…

  5. August Intentions

    2019-08-02 03:04:45 UTC
    Writing it all down. I am a sucker for promises and trying to follow through even if it means trying my hardest and not succeeding. I’ve been in this crazy learning period and I think it’s exciting as humans that we get these experiences and opportunities to make declarations that…

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